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my gratitude list


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you're all enjoying this time off to be with your family and friends. Yesterday we had a great visit at my parents' home, seeing my siblings, niece and nephews. Today is all about the Downs' side of the family, eating with Adam's dad and video chatting with my sister-in-law across the country. Every year when this holiday rolls around, I stop and reflect on all the positive and negative things the year has brought me. Before, when we were younger, it was just time to see our families and play with our cousins. During our early 20's it was fall break during college, being glad finals are over and catch up with some high school buddies at our hometowns. And now it's all the above. Our family has grown and we're all watching the little ones play with their cousins, and we, now have Friendsgivings to still catch up with some old and new friends.

No matter what's going on in our lives, the good or the bad, I think we should always express our gratitude. It's what still makes me believe in "everything happens for a reason." Below I'm sharing 5 things I'm grateful for that's impacted my life on the daily.

1. I'm thankful for my health. Mentally and physically. I know I'm not a top model and I don't care. I never take for granted being able to be able to use my mind and body everyday. To be able to just wake up, and get up. To drive my car and go to work and get stuff done. And to have recently celebrated my 30th birthday!

2. I'm thankful for my family, especially my parents who have supported me all of my life. To my siblings for always being there for me. To my beautiful niece and nephews, near or across the world in Philippines. And to my new recently added in-laws John, Erin and Justin who were there before I even married Adam.

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3. I'm thankful for my husband. For being my best friend and vowing to be there for me for better or worse. Without him I wouldn't be able to be thankful for #1 and/or #2.

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4. I'm thankful for my old and new friends. I've been lucky enough to do life alongside these people. Some of them since grade school. We've gone through so many life stages together, whether its high school, college, marriages, and now kids! I know I can always count on them, wherever they are.

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5. Thankful for my career. That I go to work everyday and I honestly look forward to it. To be able to have a work family that I've grown to love. In less than a year of being there, I was able to accept this big, rewarding challenge of a new position that's also given Adam and I our new home in Cincinnati.

There are so many other things we could all be thankful for this season. You should take some time, wherever you are to come up with your own gratitude list. It could range from little things like pizza or big things like second chances that has changed our lives forever. Not to mention being alive period. And last but not least, thank you all for reading this!



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