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Grateful First Week of November


The first week (almost two) of November has officially come and gone. I figured what better way to kick off this Thanksgiving month than being grateful. It is officially “the end of the year” and everything is winding down for us… sort of. During the last week of October, I decided to keep a gratitude journal for the first week of November and wanted to share it with you guys!

· Sunday – My mother. Our birthdays are one week apart from each other and this year I wasn’t able to get her a present so we made plans instead. We spent most of the time shopping and then had some lunch at Linh's Bistro, one of our favorite places. It was nice to just spend the day together just us two, spoil her so she could enjoy the day, and catch up on life. She is my first and will always be my best friend, I’m thankful for her every day.

· Monday – Coffee. Who ACTUALLY gets the right amount of sleep, am I right?! I’m definitely basic and usually mobile order Starbucks but with this time change, I’ve been late and haven’t had time to go pick it up especially with the normal morning rush. Caffeine is caffeine to me so I’ve been drinking K-Cups at work, the best part- it’s free so I’m also saving money 😉. The coffee selection isn’t the greatest so I’ve made up my own concoction. I get a packet of Nestle Hot Chocolate in my cup first and then a Donut Shop Regular Coffee from the Keurig. I hate having to wait because of hot coffee so I add just a little bit of water to cool it down then I stir it all together, ta daaaaaa! By the time I get back to my desk from saying good morning to everyone I can drink it!

· Tuesday – Music. This is usually “field day” for us Agents. This may be the day to do a new site visit, District visits to meet with my engineers, meet current customers for signatures, or go to the court house to record documents. For me, since most of the Agents are out, I take advantage of the somewhat empty floor, put on my head phones and get most of my work load out of the way with zero distractions so I can have an easy rest of the week. Depending on how I’m feeling my go to channel is Eminem or Jack Johnson. Eminem for a more faster pace to get sh*t done and out of the way and then Jack to calm me down during more complicated/sensitive tasks.

· Wednesday – Stress cleaning. I had planned on doing one thing after work, putting my Christmas tree up. For some reason everything was getting in the way of it. Had to go down to storage to get the tree, had to get laundry stuff from the store and DO actual laundry, forgot to take the dogs out on a walk, had to move the living room around, and the list goes on. I get so much anxiety when things are in the way or don’t get done- in time, the right way, the right order, etc. (OCD remember?) I just get so angry, I will literally block out everything and just do it all myself. Afterwards I feel 95% better getting it all out of my system and out of the way. Otherwise it’s not gonna be pretty for anyone.

· Thursday – Beer with friends. It’s already been a long week, not mention a long day with an 8 HR meeting today. I had zero plans but to be a couch potato. Adam came home and said we were going out to MadTree with some people but he needed to ride first. I watched a movie while he got on the bike and showered. Thankful for the last-minute plan it was great to see some friends, get a bite to eat, and I got to meet a new face. Also, Adam’s open tab haha.

· Friday – Friday nights in with Adam. We got home later than expected from Mad tree. I did not feel good in the morning, went in the office late. Drank some tea to hopefully calm the stomach then tried to eat during lunch to see if that was it… nope. I debated going back to the office but I wanted to see if it would pass. Wrong again. I did a quick document review for another Agent and left to work from home the rest of the day. Adam came home knowing I didn’t feel the best, he made dinner, and put on Harry Potter to spend the rest of the night on our couch. So happy he always knows what to do.

· Saturday – Being able to sleep in now on the weekends. This new time change has been a bit of a challenge. I’m still trying to get used to it. Not being able to sleep earlier and waking up earlier is even harder. Also, this cold weather makes me just want to stay under the covers and cuddle with the pups. With Adam ending Cyclocross early, beyond grateful I can now sleep in to make up some sleep!

During Thanksgiving my family doesnt usually go around the table and tell each other what we're thankful for but writing this post made me grateful of the little things that I did/took for granted on the daily. Sometimes it's nice to just be able and sit and reflect on the day, I think I need to do it more often. Maybe next time I will try the full month!


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