Hi there, I'm Judy Ann Marie and welcome to my blog! Here you will find a collection of... well you know, all things me!
I'm a wife, furmommy to Lily and work full time in the corporate world. Come join me while I share with you some of my loves, hates, highs and lows and everything else in between. We all know things aren't always perfect, but I wouldn't trade this life for anything.
Before you head to my Get to know me! post for more gory details, below are a few fun facts. It would be my intro slide IF I was giving you a presentation.
Yes, my husband IS taller compared to me.
Yes, I clean and organize a lot.
Yes, I would rather go to Starbucks instead of making it at home.
Yes, I will be taking a photo of my food before I eat it.
Minimalist taste in my home, unless it's my favorite holidays.
Penguins and minions make me happy.
Harry Potter marathons are a must!
I cry over just about everything I watch... while telling you- "I'm not crying, you're crying.".
Slight case of RBF -insert palms up shoulder raise emoji.
I'd rather stay at home with my TBR list.